You can’t believe everything that leaks into your Inbox.
The EcoCanteen’s story is pretty simple: it’s a re-usable stainless steel water bottle to replace those disposable bottles of water you keep spending money on, and killing the planet with. Which makes it all the more bizarre that so many wild rumors about the EcoCanteen are flying around the Intertubes. Before you jump to any conclusions about this useful, Earth-friendly water bottle, check it against this list of debunked EcoCanteen myths.
- The term “food-grade stainless steel” does not imply that the steel may be eaten.
- The EcoCanteen did not fight at Iwo Jima with Lee Marvin and Captain Kangaroo.
- An EcoCanteen filled with wasp spray is not an effective self-defense device.
- EcoCanteen is not produced by, associated with, or otherwise endorsed by Italian novelist Umberto Eco.
- Use of EcoCanteen will have no effect on the size of a male user’s testicles.
- The EcoCanteen never claimed to have invented the Internet.
- Drinking generic vodka from EcoCanteen will not make it taste like premium vodka.
- The included sports cap may be used while engaging in activities not traditionally considered “sports”, except for disc golf.
- The presence of the syllables “coCa” in EcoCanteen’s name is a coincidence. The original formula for the bottle did not include cocaine.
- Despite its name ending in ”-teen”, be assured that EcoCanteen is fully legal.
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